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Want to get involved with Okemos Lacrosse?  We have several ways that every parent and player can get involved to help grow the lacrosse program and make this a great experience for everyone!  We have eight committees set up that can use your help and/or expertise.  Each committee is listed below, what each committee does and the contact person to reach out too.  No experience is needed - just a willingness to help! 

Responsible for raising funds through fundraising including our Mulch sale, Cancer Game, Banners at OHS Field, Scholarship funds, and other fundraising efforts.

Help coordinate the boys youth program grades 1-8 including finding coaches, setting up training, scheduling, game day operations, mulch canvassing, etc. 

Help coordinate the girls youth program grades 3-8 including finding and supporting coaches, setting up training, scheduling, game day operations, mulch canvassing, etc. 

Help coordinate the girls MS festival including finding teams to participate, scheduling referees, scheduling, field lining, game day operations, vendor tents, concessions, etc. 

Responsible for coordinating our special order spirit wear for Holiday / Spring season and support the youth program with ordering uniforms and apparel.

Responsible for all communication including email blasts, communicating with community and local newspapers, and website management. 

Responsible for scheduling all field space (indoor winter and spring season), maintaining equipment (nets, balls, paint), field lining, managing storage facility and equipment.

Responsible for scheduling and running the off season program for all players.  Works closely with HS and MS coaches to support Summer and Fall lacrosse through Okemos provided programs.

Liaison with HS Coaches to help coordinate game day operations, uniform and equipment distribution, team pictures, HS tailgates and events, etc.


Thank you for your support!